Have some time to give?
As a crafter, you understand that a handmade gift is priceless. The materials and hours that go into making something for a loved one are a gesture of love. Thank you for your interest in signing up to finish a project. Your efforts will reconnect a bereaved individual with a garment or accessory that was begun for them by a loved one.
Loose Ends welcomes knitters, crocheters, quilters, needlepointers, weavers, cross-stitchers, embroidered, or textile crafters of all sorts from anywhere in the world.
Breaking up with a project:
We do our best to match the right finisher to a project, based on the types of projects the finishers like to do, their skill levels, and the amount of time they’d like to give. We check in with finishers periodically to ask how a project is going. In the event that the finisher and project are not a good match, we will do our best to reassign a project to a new volunteer.